using a simple key sequence 意味

  • 簡単{かんたん}なキー操作{そうさ}で


        key sequence:    key sequence キー順[電情]
        simple escape sequence:    《コ》単純拡張表記{たんじゅん かくちょう ひょうき}
        in descending key sequence:    キーの降順{こうじゅん}に
        key-sequence data set:    key-sequence data set キー順データセット[電情]
        using:    using ことによって 使役 しえき
        in sequence:    次々と、順々に、順に、順繰りに、順序正しく、順序どおり
        sequence:     sequence n. 連続; ひと続き(の出来事など); つながり; 順番, 順序; 〔映画〕 シークエンス 《ひと続きの場面》; 〔生化〕 (遺伝子の)配列. 【動詞+】 decode a DNA sequence 〔生化〕 遺伝子の配列を解読する We are trying to establish the sequence of events just befo
        sequence of:    《a ~》一連の
        to sequence:    to sequence 順にいう じゅんにいう
        as simple as that:    全く単純{たんじゅん}な
        at simple:    単利で
        simple:     simple adj. 単純な, 簡潔な; ばかな. 【副詞】 Things were a lot simpler in the old days. 昔は物事がもっとずっと単純だった an appealingly simple message 感動的なまでに簡潔なメッセージ extremely simple きわめて単純な fairly si
        simple as that:    
        be key to:     be kéy to O …にとって重要である Speeding up your work is ~ to your success.スピードを上げることが成功のかぎ[秘訣]だ.
        in key:    調和して、適切で


  1. "using a better name to sell inferior goods" 意味
  2. "using a computer for a long time may cause some detriment to one's eyesight" 意味
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  4. "using a pen name is a practice widely followed in russia" 意味
  5. "using a random sampling technique" 意味
  6. "using agency" 意味
  7. "using all kinds of excuses" 意味
  8. "using an analogy from" 意味
  9. "using anything one can lay one's hands on" 意味
  10. "using a pen name is a practice widely followed in russia" 意味
  11. "using a random sampling technique" 意味
  12. "using agency" 意味
  13. "using all kinds of excuses" 意味

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